Talk: Unbuilt
Christopher Beanland introduces his book Unbuilt: Radical Visions of a Future That Never Arrived

- Date:
- Time:
- -
- Location:
- Design West
- Price:
- £8 / £30 with a copy of the book (all tickets incl. a drink)
Radical visions of a future that never arrived
Christopher Beanland presents his new book Unbuilt: Radical Visions of A Future That Never Arrived (Batsford). In this talk featuring rich visuals, we go on a journey into how London, New York, Berlin, Glasgow, Tokyo and other world cities could have looked if the planners, architects and dreamers had their way.
From Buckminster Fuller’s plan for a ‘Domed city’ in Manhattan to Le Corbusier’s utopian dream of skyscraper living in central Paris, from a proposed network of motorways ploughing through central London to a crazy-looking scheme for ‘rolling pavements’ in post-war Berlin.
Many ideas were just ahead of their time, and some, thankfully, we were always better without.
Christopher Beanland is a journalist and author who specialises in architecture and travel writing. He is the author of Lido: A dip into outdoor swimming pools: the history, design and people behind them, Concrete Concept: Brutalist buildings around the world as well as two novels. He writes cultural journalism for newspapers and magazines around the world including The Guardian, The Independent, The Telegraph, Mr Porter, British Airways and EasyJet. Christopher lives in London and is available for interviews and events.